
Hi, Thanks for coming.

I’m Rob, the guy doing all those drawings of characters with ping-pong-ball-shaped eyes. Only way I can draw’em.

When I first started this blog, I didn’t know what it was going to be, other that a platform to publish my cartoons. Gotta start somewhere, right? Otherwise you don’t start at all.

Now, Mr Oh is constantly evolving. Whatever ideas spring to mind, I get them down,  put them out to the world and see what happens. Certain themes seem to be emerging. There’s a character comic strip thing going on: TipTop; some self development / self reflection ideas; random gags and practical nonsense that might just tickle you on a good day if the wind’s blowing right.

I wanted to promise an update schedule but I now just publish stuff whenever I’ve got something I like, or when time permits. I don’t want to feel obligated, just inspired and full of passion and love for what I do.

I’d love it if you were to stick around a while and witness the journey unfold 🙂

Mr Oh x


51 responses

  1. Hello, I’ve nominated your gorgeous blog for the Liebster Blog Award. If you accept, more info can be found here – http://chaotiqual.wordpress.com/2013/03/15/the-liebster-blog-award/ 🙂

  2. One great blog you’ve got! Loved the cartoons.. 😀
    And I can’t wait for more!

    Godbless. 🙂

    1. What a lovely comment. Thanks so much 🙂

  3. you are by no means ordinary…you are talented 🙂

    1. Thanks, man. Encouraging words.

      1. hey i saw you looked at that video, let me know if you have any questions. you’ll be getting periodic emails telling you more about it too.

          1. that’s what i thought too 😉

  4. Hello Rob,

    I’ve nominate you for ´The Very Inspirer Award`. You can check it out here:

    Inspiring World – The Very Inspirer Award

    Congrats and a great week!

    Cheers, Katharina

  5. Beautiful blog! I couldn’t stop smiling 🙂 Thanks for sharing, Mr Oh!

    1. Thanks, Scarlett. Kind of you. I like your “carpet of creativity” idea.

      1. Thanks. It’s an awesome piece of furniture 😉

  6. Hi Oh – am I going mad or did you have a blog acceptance speech here yesterday? What happened?

    1. Hiya, thanks for alerting me to this. I’ll need to republish it I think, I’m away from my Mac so will do it tonight when I get home. And thanks for recommending Rusty Doodles via your blog. I’ve just started following it. 🙂

      1. Pleasure – I was half way through a response when it disappeared! – Glad to bring two toons together – toot toot!?:?

        1. Hi R.O.S., sorry for this but after some thinking this afternoon I’ve decided not to repost that award acceptance and have taken it down. I just got a bit weirded out by the chain-letter flavour to the award and I’m not sure if it is actually Mr Oh’s bag. I have put you on my blog roll and I do genuinely enjoy your blog; I visit it regularly and hope you understand. I just want to create cartoons and focus on that, and not put pressure on other bloggers to spend time passing on awards. I got caught up in initially as it was my first encounter with this kind of thing. Best wishes, Rob

          1. Many refuse awards – some even put a comment on their home page to say no thanks.
            It’s all good, read my ‘one ungrateful bastard award’ post for my thoughts on awards 🙂 – It’s just I’d got 1/2 way through a post about your nomination and I hate to waste a good rant 😉 I’ll find a new home for it.

            1. Just read your post. Frickin’ hilarious and articulates how I’ve been feeling. The drawing of the 8-armed “like” robot is so on the money. Some gravatars are just everywhere. Coming out of the Learning curve right now and back to drawing Uncle Bob. Much more fun. It sure beats the Award circus.

            2. …and sorry about the wasted rant energy when you got cut off 😉

              1. ah… it’s a perpetual engine baby!!

          2. Getting awards can be quite a chore. I hope I don’t get any more and seems you are beginning to see why. Sometimes I just post the award logo with a thank you in title of award post to person and put in it widget. Most all blogs I am tight with already have all awards anyway. Some put “I accept no awards” logo in widgets column. I am too blinkin old to list my fav color, movie or fav recipe and don’t have time to manufacture all those things. But always a sincere “thanks for shout out” on awarder’s blog.

            1. I hear you, Carl. I agree about saying thanks on the awarder’s blog. I was nominated for two over the weekend and did just that, but explained that on reflection that it wasn’t my bag to nominate. I respect what you do with the guest blog idea, which is totally different and has a positive, kind energy. I’ve already had the good fortune to meet some nice people as a result.

  7. Oh-O. I think this is going to be fun. I love the dry wit of British Pe-O-ple. Welcome!

    1. It’s better than wet wit, I reckon. Thanks for popping by.

  8. Crikey, you’re a brit! My DIL’s from London, her sister came for a visit yesterday, just graduated from Newcastle. We had a grand time. Cheers!

    1. Nice one! I went to University in Newcastle many moons ago. It’s a great crack up North.

  9. Sounds like fun! What I want to know is, are there really 21 other Mr Oh’s, as your email address suggests? If so, could you form some sort of Mr Oh Club? I think you would get to be President, for sure. 😛

    1. An astute observation and guess about the email address. From google searches, I know of a funky musician Mr Oh, a Korean teacher Mr Oh, and a porn writer Mr Oh, but no doubt there are plenty more out there! The “22” is just my favourite and lucky number. A Mr Oh club eh? Ooh, and president too. I’ve never presided over anything. And your club, what would it look like and where would you hold your all-members Christmas party if there were no limitations on your imagination or budget?

      1. 22 is a nice bright yellow number. It means “happiness” to me, which makes it a “cheery-Oh” in my book. 🙂

        My club would definitely meet in Florence, Italy, if funds were unlimited – probably right under the statue of David, just to give us perspective. Also I would like to see him wearing a Santa hat.

        I once started an organization called The Introvert’s Club, and I served as President When Absolutely Necessary. There were only three members, and our motto was “If Not an Island, At Least a Peninsula.”

        We had exactly one meeting to hand out the charter certificates, and after that we all sat at home and thought fondly of one another while reading good books. It was a resounding success.

        Oh, and regarding the imposter Oh’s, has the porn writer gotten around to writing “The Story of Mr Oh,” and if so, what the heck is the holdup? Inquiring minds want to knoh. 😛

        1. Hi again, Jennifer. I’m glad the number 22 has a good aura. Phew, that’s a relief! Club Florence sounds divine. If you were no longer a member of the Introvert Club, would that make you an ex-Introvert? Ho! Ho! Ho! Cheery-Oh…

          1. Ha ha, noh, I am definitely still an Extra-Introvert! Which makes me sound like some weird flavor of gum. But I’m oddly okay with that. 🙂

  10. Nice to meet you Mr Oh and being here on your wonderful blog. I have a lot of respect for school teachers as they inspired me when I was at school. Your humor is a gift and I look forward to being a part of the fun. Cheers!

    Please a tribute to my school teacher – http://dilipnaidu.wordpress.com/2011/09/05/teachers-day-2011-dare-to-be-wise/

    1. Thank you sincerely for your kind words. Your Sir sounds an incredible man. It was great that you saw him again, long after leaving school. As a teacher myself, I know it would have given him enormous pride to hear of your achievements. Students are varyingly receptive and you are clearly one who had his batteries in and antennae out. You must also take some credit for making the most of those years with such an engaging and wise teacher.

  11. I would like you to consider appearing on my Wednesday guest post. Features art, some poetry and work of other cartoonists. I would need a brief bio, gravatar and 3 or 4 toons sent as jpegs. Will be on my blog roll for link.. See other Wednesday posts to see what I mean. Hope you will participate. Our network of like-minded funny is expanding.

    1. Hiya Carl. It would be an honour and I am touched to be asked. I will get back to you as soon as I can. Currently juggling giving my two year old breakfast with looking at my iPhone! I agree about the community of comics/cartoonists. Thanks again, Rob

      1. I understand. I deal with two 2 year olds too. Except mine are 28 and 30.

        1. Out of nappies, though, I trust?! Just emailed you the JPEGs, copy, plus gravatar. Do gimme a shout if there any hiccups and if I can help further. Cheers mucho, Rob 🙂

  12. Your blog made me smile today Mr. Oh! Thanks 🙂

    Do stop by my blog some time.. http://www.expressedd.wordpress.com


    1. Thanks for that! Looking fwd to seeing more of your blog…

  13. Hey, thanks for coming by to like my blog. The support is always awesome. I really appreciate the playfulness and jocund insight on your blog–the pictures made me smile. I hope you have a wonderful day.


    1. Thanks, Brett, for this comment. It made my day. Keep up the good work on your own blog.

      1. Thanks, I’m glad I brought a little brightness, and I’ll try my best on the blog!

  14. Hi Rob really enjoying your posts. My maths and English are a bit off, but good images + good writing = good work. Ever put together any comic strips or books?
    Thanks for the kind words and for stopping by and checking out some of my work. Cheers mate.

    1. Hiya Kenneth. Nice teacher gag. I won’t say “full marks for your comment” or anything. Damn, just did. I’m devising a strip and have just chaptered out a book so a few projects in the pipeline. I hope to give updates when milestones have been reached. Thanks and good luck in the digi comp. Rob (N.Z.-o-phile, having lived in the North Island for a year)

  15. Hey Mr Oh – to return a compliment – your avatar is brilliant – and I like your cartoon style generally.
    To inspire a cartoon? How about the rant thing – “you lost my X” while X is sticking out of back pocket – or something?

    1. Thanks ROS. Very kind of you. The Avatar went through quite a few versions. They’re so unbelievably small, I ended up just making it really simple as a result. I’ll have a think about your cartoon suggestion, thanks, you might be onto something there!

      1. hey Oh, I won’t whore my latest post with a link, but it did give me a cartoon thought. The phrase ‘complete stranger’ – can they be incomplete? Thus a pic of one person and one 1/2 person shaking hands (hand?) with a caption, “well, he was no longer a complete stranger”? or “after his accident in the sawmill he was no longer a complete stranger!” with pic…
        Hope you don’t mind the suggestions – my brain is full of crap 🙂

        1. It’s good crap. Your idea reminds me of Bestie. Thanks, I’ll try and put my mind to it at some point!

    1. Hey, thanks a million for recommending Mr Oh. I am really chuffed about it and appreciate the gesture. I have posted a link to your site on my personal Facebook page and will add CultFit to my blogroll – It’s the least I can do. I have already had a few referrals the last couple of days and one follower as a direct consequence. A real breakthrough. Have something on your mind you think it would be fun for me to draw an idea from? If you give me a word, I will endeavour to draw something for you. Have a tiptop week, Rob.

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